Chord identification


maj, min, aug, dim. Close harmony.. Treble clef

Triads with inversions

maj, min, aug, dim. Open and close harmony.. Treble clef


dom7, maj7, min7, mmaj7, 7(#5), maj7(#5), dim7, m7(b5), mmaj7(b5), 7(b5). Close harmony.. Treble clef

Sevenths with inversions

dom7, maj7, min7, mmaj7, 7(#5), maj7(#5), dim7, m7(b5), mmaj7(b5), 7(b5). Open and close harmony.. Treble And Bass clef

Triads, 7ths, 6ths and suspended

maj, min, aug, dim, dom7, maj7, min7, mmaj7, 7(#5), maj7(#5), dim7, m7(b5), mmaj7(b5), 7(b5), sus2, sus4, maj6, min6. Open and close harmony.. Treble And Bass clef

Triads, 7ths, 6ths and suspended - all clefs

maj, min, aug, dim, dom7, maj7, min7, mmaj7, 7(#5), maj7(#5), dim7, m7(b5), mmaj7(b5), 7(b5), sus2, sus4, maj6, min6. Open and close harmony.. Clefs: treble, bass, alto, baritone(C), baritone(F), french violin, mezzo-soprano, soprano and tenor

Extended chords

maj9, maj7(#11), mmaj9, min9, min11, dom7(#11), dom7(b9), dom7(#9), dom9, 7(#5)(b9), dom9(add13), dom7(b13), dom7(add13). Close harmony.. Treble And Bass clef

Extended chords with inversions

maj9, maj7(#11), mmaj9, min9, min11, dom7(#11), dom7(b9), dom7(#9), dom9, 7(#5)(b9), dom9(add13), dom7(b13), dom7(add13). Open and close harmony.. Treble And Bass clef

Extended chords with inversions - all clefs

maj9, maj7(#11), mmaj9, min9, min11, dom7(#11), dom7(b9), dom7(#9), dom9, 7(#5)(b9), dom9(add13), dom7(b13), dom7(add13). Open and close harmony.. Clefs: treble, bass, alto, baritone(C), baritone(F), french violin, mezzo-soprano, soprano and tenor